April 8, 2021

Join us in the fight against cancer!

Kræftens bekæmpelse

We support The Danish Cancer Society

The annual National Collection in Denmark will take place on April 11th, 2021.

Kementec supports The Danish Cancer Society’s vision of a life without cancer, contributing with a donation. The National Collection and donation helps to raise awareness to the cause. We can all be a part of this by contributing to the National Collection: Either by becoming a collector and spend 2-3 hours on April 11th or by making a personal online collection.

The collection will contribute to cancer research, prevention, and patient support. The purpose is to increase cancer survival rates, reduce the number of cancer cases and to improve life when affected by cancer.

For more information about how your tribute is being used, please visit: https://www.cancer.dk/international/about-the-danish-cancer-society/