A Change Notification is a document issued by our Quality Assurance Team that confirms that a regulated product has undergone a change.

It contains all relevant information pertaining to the actual changes in the product, obtained from testing performed as part of quality control of an individual batch of a product.



Due to non-conformity the CoA for Synthetic Blocking Buffer, Blotting will be updated to reflect the correct details of the QC-test method of the product (Cat. No. 4650) - Download

Implementation date: 03.MAY.2024



Due to discontinuation from supplier of one of the basic components in the QC assay for pNPP and pNPP ONE products, the QC setup or these products is being updated - Download

Implementation date: 12.APR.2024



Due to discontinuation from supplier of one of the basic components in the QC assay for TMB products, the QC setup or these products is being updated - Download 

Implementation date: 14.DEC.2023



The product name: "TMB X-tnd"(Cat.No.5280) has been registered as a trademark, and will beupdated accordingly to "TMB X-tnd®" - Download

Implementation date: 12.JAN.2023



Extension of shelf life for Protein-StabilPLUS (Cat.No.4720) to 3 years - Download

Implementation date: 10.JAN.2023



Discontinuation of the following products: Effect Diluent Low (cat. no. 5070), Effect Diluent Medium (cat. no. 5080), Effect Diluent High (cat. no. 5090) & Effect Diluent KIT 3 x 25 ml (cat. no. 5095) – Download

Discontinuation date: 15.DEC.2021



Implementation of 1L Natural Nalgene Translucent HDPE bottle – Download

Implementation date: 10.DEC.2021



Discontinuation of the following products: Enhanced PLUS Sheep anti-Human lgG-HRP (Cat. No. 7010), Enhanced PLUS Sheep anti-Mouse lgG-HRP (Cat. No. 7020) & Enhanced PLUS Goat anti-Rabbit lgG-HRP (Cat. No. 7030) - Download

Discontinuation date: December 2021



Discontinuation of TMB SENS (Cat. No. 4850) – Download

Discontinuation date: April 2021



Discontinuation of Multibooster (Cat. No. 5340) – Download

Discontinuation date: Immediately


14. JAN. 2021

Production changes of TMB SENS (Cat. No. 4850) - Download

Implementation date: January 2021


11. JAN. 2021

Update of color specification on CoA of TMB X-tnd (Cat. No. 5280) - Download

Implementation date: 31.JAN.2021



The shelf life of TMB SENS (Cat. No. 4850) will be changed from 2½ years to 1 year - Download

Implementation date: Immediately



Discontinuation of the following products: TMB PLUS, TMB PLUS Prestained, TMB PLUS Diluent & TMB Blotting PLUS - Download

Discontinuation date: 01.SEP.2020